miss jamie lim a.k.a my 'bf'
psst.. many of u may wonder y is she my so called 'bf'.. lol
oh well..she is basicaly one of my best cousin that i have ever ever had..
so good til she fetch me to school n back home every single day during her form 6 in my sch.. then, being 'hong so po'..we tend to hang out somewhere or mayb go round round makan makan before we go home after sch.. so in other words we are like dating!LOL
oh..n we did that not once in a while..but all the time!!haha
i miss those days..... XD
not only dat.. im proud to tell everyone that this motherly cousin of mine is alwayz dere for me..she tend to help me in every single thing that she could even without me asking..
somehow she is always dere to offer me help when i needed one!
even til now.. we are hundreds n hundreds kilometers away from each other n even home ( me in malacca n she is in sabah)... she even calls me off n on to see if im alright n if im coping wif my new life here. how could anyone wish for a better cousin than this, right?
oh! i must tell u dis!she even come all the way frm cyberjaya(doing her internship there dat time) to malacca by suprise just to accompany me to my uni during registration!!! n even asked her fwen to pick me up frm toll when i reached malacca! so touched wey......
plus plus..the other time when i was having stress to complete my never ending n clueless assignment here.. she helped me too! by giving me ideas on what to write n all... when she could have choose to just ignore me dat time..afterall its my assignment not hers.. but she did not!
basically, she never reject me when i needed her help!!
so now u know why mummy used to say dat she looks like my bf!haha
so 'bf' .. thanks for everything that u have done!! i really appeciate your help n care!
last but not least..
p/s: sorry for the late post..somehow internet connection is superly cacat today...
p/s 2 : due to length constrain.. i cut this post short 10000000000000000000times.. if i were to write every single thing she did here, my post would be longer that a roll of toilet roll (ok.mayb a bad example..longer than a roll of kitcehn roll then)!!
signing off,
ur 'gf' daphne
muaxxxxxx.... 'gf'... thanks for the post...
ReplyDeletefeel so touched...
ya ya i miz those time too...