after that job, i received a project from my supervisor.
the moment she told me that im gona be the BA for Friskies, i was like.. HUH?!???!?!?
totally blank...
how? friskies also got sampling wan meh? HOW R???
pour a bowl of friskies and walk around and see if anyone bring their pet cat along? then feed the cat with friskies r? oh..and mayb ask the cat nice or not? nice means MEOW once if not MEOW twice r?
lidat r?lol!!!
or worst.. let the owner try!
me: hie miss! do you have any pet cat at home?
customer : ya.why?
me: wana try friskies? very crunchy wan.. u bite and see? taste like keropok hor? buy la... your cat sure like it wan..
guess before i even sell any.. i would have been beaten to death by their bfs!!
ok..cut the crap! so i accepted the job!
to be exact, this is what im supposed to promote :)
its FRISKIES 2 IN 1!!
it comes in 2 sizes, 420g and 1.25kg
420g : RM7.50
1.25kg : RM17.90
honestly i find this 2 in 1 think quite interesting. you add a lil water and the juice will be released.
and TADAA!!! your cat will get some delicious gravy to go with their food.
and and..the best part is.. although you add in water, the cat food will not be soggy. it is still crunchy! magic huh?
the sample i made :)
i was suppose to do some demo to show to the customer at least once in an hour
the dry sample comes in this tiny cute lil container :)
spot the friskies in the shelve! this was the first week. went to work and the first thing i noe was the stock for the small packet not yet arrived!! make me go everywhere asking around just to confirm it.
second week! finally! the 420g friskies has arrived!! the funny part is.. the stock arrived and they just chuck it in some corner in the store!
i had to go in the store search high and low and bring the stock out myself! but luckily a kind-hearted colleague helped me.hehe
close shot :)
this is how my push cart looks like! its kinda small but i like it!
the goodness in every packet of friskies
guess what? i managed to sell everything out! i repeat, EVERYTHING! muahaha....
and oh oh.. btw.. while i was promoting my product. i saw this item right across me.. and it says FENG SHUI BROOM. it says when you the broom you and will family members will become wealthier. and you will get a lot of kids and even grandchildren! they wrote a whole big essay about its benefit k!
and this particular broom, its less than RM20 and you can get it at tesco!
so for those of you out dere who wish to have more kids or even wana timang cucu already, quick! get this broom. its cheaper than sending you wife or daughter to the gyne!!
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